
3Д модел пиштоља за хватање из филма Бетмен против Супермена

Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman

Модел са високим детаљима. Заснован је на снимцима екрана из додатних видео материјала о филму. Радило се на скалирању и добила се тачна величина модела. Једноставно за штампу и погодно за лепљење. Постоје датотеке појединачних делова као и датотека целог модела која није подељена на делове. Комплет такође укључује правилно скалирану куку. Такође је сачуван у два облика: једноделни модел и подељен на делове такође ради лакшег сликања и лепљења. Заузеће одлично место у вашој колекцији или само на истакнутом месту.

Модел је подељен на 28 делова за лако штампање.
Делови су добро састављени и залепљени.

Димензије модела:

дужина - 328 мм
висина - 227 мм
ширина - 78 мм

Дизајнирано у Солид Воркс 2018, изведено у Кеисхот 9.