
Nemško motorno kolo s prikolico WW2 3d model

Nemški motocikel 3d model 2. svetovne vojne

German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model
German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model German motorcycle with sidecar WW2 3d model

To je visokokakovostni kakovostni poligon nemškega motocikla s 3D modelom bočne prikolice WW2 s teksturami PBR in V-Ray. Izredno podrobno in realistično. Primerno za filmske rekvizite, arhitekturne vizualizacije, upodabljanje oglasov in drugo.

Datoteka 3ds Max vključuje kamere, luči in nastavitve upodabljanja.

To je visokokakovostno sredstvo, prvotno oblikovano v 3DS Max 2018.

Število materialov: 28

Število materialov ustreza številu elementov modela.

Ničesar vam ni treba storiti, samo pritisnite gumb »Render«.

-Model odvijte ročno, da boste najučinkoviteje uporabili Unfold3d
-Vključno s formati FBX, OBJ, 3ds
-Model je v resničnem merilu in je osredotočen na izvor
- Uporabljene enote: centimetri
- Predmet mreže je mogoče urejati v poli.
- Očistite odvijte UV
- Dobra topologija
- Vključeni so prizori v Marmosetu.

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Ker je to model za vizualizacijske specifikacije, ni namenjen razdelitvi.
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- Obstaja 6 tekstur:
-Osnovna barva
-Normalen zemljevid
-Visočni zemljevid
-Kovinski zemljevid
-Okoliška zapora
-Grapavi zemljevid

- Difuzno
- Sijaj
- Višina
- Običajno
- Odsev

- Ločljivosti teksture so v formatu JPEG 2048x2048
- Gramofonska plošča in slike so bile upodobljene v Marmoset 3
Vključeni so tudi upodobitve v V-RAY 3.6

Če ste zadovoljni, ocenite ta izdelek.
Oglejte si tudi moje druge modele.

    Podobni izdelki
