
Gripende pistol 3d-modell fra filmen Batman vs Superman

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Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman
Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman

En modell med høy detalj. Den er basert på skjermbilder fra flere videomaterialer på filmen. Det ble arbeidet med skalering og riktig størrelse på modellen ble oppnådd. Enkel å skrive ut og praktisk å lime. Det er filer av enkeltdeler, samt en fil av hele modellen som ikke er delt inn i deler. Settet inneholder også en riktig skalert krok. Det er også bevart i to former: en modell i ett stykke og delt inn i deler også for å gjøre det lettere å male og lime. Det vil ta en flott plass i samlingen din eller bare på et fremtredende sted.

Modellen er delt inn i 28 deler for enkel utskrift.
Delene er godt montert og limt sammen.

Modell dimensjoner:

lengde - 328 mm
høyde - 227 mm
bredde - 78 mm

Designet i Solid Works 2018, gjengitt i Keyshot 9.