Do you know that when you purchase a work from, you are actually buying the license to use the work?
Hence, it is necessary for you to understand our authorization granting policy.
Below are same basic information:
Regular | Extended | |
Number of end products | 1 | 1 |
Use in a single end product | Yes | Yes |
Use in a free end product | Yes | Yes |
Use in an end product that's sold | No | Yes |
Use in stock items/templates | No | No |
Tips for freelancers and creative agencies:
You can charge buyers for the service of creating the final product, even with regular licenses.
However, you cannot use our regular and extended license for one single work on multiple purchasers or projects. One single license can only be used for one project.
VISA and MasterCard via PayPal, 100% Safety on Payment.
It helps you avoid duplication and save time.
100% Money back guarantee If inconsistent with description.
If occured any problem, just email us, we will reply you in 24 hours.