
Nahkriin Dragon Priest illustration

Nahkriin dragon priest from The Elder Scrolls : SKYRIM universe.

Nahkriin Dragon Priest illustration Nahkriin Dragon Priest illustration Nahkriin Dragon Priest illustration Nahkriin Dragon Priest illustration

Folder will have 3 images.

First image:

Type: JPG
5.05 Mb
Resolution: 3388 x 4320
Width:  3388 pixels
Height: 4320 pixels
Horizontally resolution: 72 dot at inch
Vertically resolution: 72 dot at inch
Depth of color: 24
Unit of resolution: 2
Color: Has not calibrated
ICC profile: Adobe RGB

Second image:

Type: JPG
1.35 Mb
Resolution: 3388 x 4320
Width:  3388 pixels
Height: 4320 pixels
Horizontally resolution: 96 dot at inch
Vertically resolution: 96 dot at inch
Depth of color: 24
Unit of resolution: --------
Color:  -------
ICC profile: Adobe RGB

Third image:

Type: JPG
5.05 Mb
Resolution: 3388 x 4320
Width:  3388 pixels
Height: 4320 pixels
Horizontally resolution: 72 dot at inch
Vertically resolution: 72 dot at inch
Depth of color: 24
Unit of resolution: 2
Color: Has not calibrated
Don't have ICC profile.