
Markoló fegyver 3D-s modell a Batman vs Superman filmből

Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman

Nagy részletességű modell. Ez a film további videó anyagaiból készült képernyőképeken alapul. A méretezésen dolgoztunk, és a modell megfelelő méretét kaptuk. Könnyen nyomtatható és kényelmes ragasztásra. Vannak egyes részek, valamint a teljes modell fájljai, amelyek nincsenek felosztva részekre. A készlet tartalmaz egy megfelelően méretezett horgot is. Két formában is megőrzik: egy darabból álló modell, és a festés és ragasztás megkönnyítése érdekében részekre is fel van osztva. Nagy helyet foglal el a gyűjteményében, vagy csak egy jól látható helyen.

A modell 28 részre oszlik a könnyű nyomtatás érdekében.
Az alkatrészek jól vannak összeszerelve és összeragasztva.

A modell méretei:

hossza - 328 mm
magasság - 227 mm
szélesség - 78 mm

A Solid Works 2018-ban tervezték, a Keyshot 9-ben renderelték.