
Daily Digital TO-DO list, Vertical, Portrait, Minimal, Goodnotes, Notability, PDF, daily plan in 12 different colors Printable Template

Daily Digital TO-DO list, Vertical, Portrait, Minimal, Goodnotes, Notability, PDF, daily plan in 12 different colors

Daily Digital TO-DO list, Vertical, Portrait, Minimal, Goodnotes, Notability, PDF, daily plan in 12 different colors Printable Template Daily Digital TO-DO list, Vertical, Portrait, Minimal, Goodnotes, Notability, PDF, daily plan in 12 different colors Printable Template Daily Digital TO-DO list, Vertical, Portrait, Minimal, Goodnotes, Notability, PDF, daily plan in 12 different colors Printable Template Daily Digital TO-DO list, Vertical, Portrait, Minimal, Goodnotes, Notability, PDF, daily plan in 12 different colors Printable Template

*Made to use with Goodnotes App and Notability* should work with most annotation apps.

You also can Print it out~

Format: pdf