
Граплиращ пистолет 3d модел от филма Батман срещу Супермен

Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman

Модел с висока детайлност. Той се основава на екранни снимки от допълнителни видео материали за филма. Беше извършена работа по мащабиране и беше получен правилния размер на модела. Лесен за печат и удобен за залепване. Има файлове на отделни части, както и файл на целия модел, който не е разделен на части. Комплектът включва и правилно мащабирана кука. Също така е запазен в две форми: модел от една част и разделен на части също за удобство при боядисване и залепване. Ще заеме чудесно място във вашата колекция или просто на видно място.

Моделът е разделен на 28 части за лесен печат.
Частите са добре сглобени и залепени заедно.

Размери на модела:

дължина - 328 мм
височина - 227 мм
ширина - 78 мм

Проектиран в Solid Works 2018, представен в Keyshot 9.