
تصارع نموذج بندقية 3D من فيلم باتمان مقابل سوبرمان

إرجاع النقود
Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman
Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman Grappling gun 3d model from the movie Batman vs Superman

نموذج بتفاصيل عالية. يعتمد على لقطات من مواد فيديو إضافية على الفيلم. تم العمل على القياس وتم الحصول على الحجم الصحيح للنموذج. سهلة الطباعة ومريحة للالتصاق. توجد ملفات لأجزاء فردية بالإضافة إلى ملف للنموذج بأكمله غير مقسم إلى أجزاء. تتضمن المجموعة أيضًا خطافًا متدرجًا بشكل صحيح. كما يتم الحفاظ عليها في شكلين: نموذج من قطعة واحدة ومقسمة إلى أجزاء أيضًا لراحة الطلاء واللصق. سيأخذ مكانًا رائعًا في مجموعتك أو في مكان بارز فقط.

النموذج مقسم إلى 28 جزء لسهولة الطباعة.
يتم تجميع الأجزاء جيدًا ولصقها معًا.

أبعاد النموذج:

الطول - 328 ملم
الارتفاع - 227 ملم
العرض - 78 ملم

صمم في Solid Works 2018 ، مقدم في Keyshot 9.